1. Getting started
MESS (Macro Entity Scripting System) is a map compile tool that gives Half-Life level designers the following tools:
- A template instancing system that can be used in a variety of ways, such as for decorating terrain or for generating repetitive entity setups.
- Multiple template entities and template behaviors that can greatly simplify complicated entity setups, such as triggering random targets.
- A scripting language that can be used for additional randomization and customization, or for creating custom template entities and behaviors.
Conversion between different map formats, which can be used for migrating between level editors or for automating .
To get started, download MESS 1.2.3 and follow the J.A.C.K. & Hammer setup guide or the Trenchbroom setup guide.
Bugs can be reported on github.com/pwitvoet/mess/issues.